Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Quote Sandwich - My Tortilla MVP - Soul Sistahs

We've almost completed the novel The Tortilla Curtain, but I already know who my MVP is.  That's my Most Valuable Part.  It's going to be about America.  While the men are the LOUDEST, America is the STRONGEST.  She never gives up. 

America is my MVP.  Through the chaos and violence of The Tortilla Curtain, America keeps her cool.  She has her dream. She knows life is rough, but she’s not going to let anything or anybody get between her and her goal. 

My favorite scene comes when she meets face to face with a coyote in the woods.  She doesn’t even blink: "She looked at the coyote so long and so hard that she began to hallucinate, to image herself inside those eyes looking out...” ( Boyle 179 ).  They have no money.  Her husband beats her.  She has just been raped.  But, she’s not taking a step back.  She focuses on this little white house that she wants to live in.  The one with a gas stove and a refrigerator and chickens in the yard.  Like the coyote, she keeps moving forward,   She is a survivor.  She is relentless.

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