Sunday, December 15, 2019

Hollywood Time-Bomb

We've reached the point and time in the semester where we are learning about character analysis.  Below I write about Marilyn Monroe.  She has a lot of character to write about, but where do you start? We know where it ends...

On the surface, Marilyn Monroe was always the picture of glamor, but whatever went on inside the famous Hollywood actress will always remain a mystery.  As a child, Marilyn grew up without a stable family.  She didn’t know who her father was.  Her mother had been committed to a mental hospital. Until she was sixteen,  Marilyn bounced from one orphanage to another.  She dreamed of being loved, but she didn’t really know what love was. Consequently, at age 16, Marilyn entered an arranged marriage with a neighbor just to be free of another orphanage and another foster family.  The falseness of this relationship may have affected her relationships with men for the rest of her life. She could never maintain a love relationship for any length of time.  As she got older, she must have become so desperate and lonely.  She wanted to be loved so badly, but she didn’t know if she could ever trust a man.  The high point of her life may have come when she transitioned from Norma Jeane to Marilyn. This came after she divorced her first husband.  She learned a path to becoming an independent woman through modeling and acting. She decided she could make her own decisions in life.  Marilyn wanted to be a star, but in a way people would regard her as a serious artist. To reach her dreams, she worked hard at every component of the job. She was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.  As a result, Marilyn’s greatest strength may have been her willingness to sacrifice.  She left all three of her marriages because her husbands’ controlling behavior.  Along the way, she gave up security for her art.  This separated her from all the other beautiful Hollywood starlets.   Marilyn was often referred to as “The Blonde Bombshell.” This metaphor may have expressed Marilyn’s impact on her public.  However, it may have explained Marilyn’s nature.  She knew of her family’s history of mental illness.  It may have been just a matter of time before she herself would explode.

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