Saturday, September 1, 2018

Black Geishas - About Us Page - Black Is Beautiful!

Nǐ hǎo to all of you.  Welcome to our Black Geisha page.
On the left is Hissie.  On the right is Ana Lucia.  That's me - Arish - in the middle.
By reading our pages in CANVAS groups, we invite you to follow our journey through English 110.
 For us, Writing is Magic.  Writing is Power.  Writing is Freedom. 
Below are our student profiles as they appear in our class blogs:

My name is Ana Lucia.  I’m from Bogota, Columbia.  I look forward to sharing with you this semester on my brand new  The Double Life  I like to read,  I like to write,  and  I like to cook, but with this blog, I hope to  stand up for important social issues regarding equality, immigration reform, and drug and alcohol abuse.  Look for me this semester to write about women’s rights. I’m excited to have a voice and a place to use it.  Count on me as your IVC Friend of the Earth.
My name is Hissie Chrynde.  These are my interests: Cooking without meat, Long bike rides, Spanish-language telenovelas, Antique typewriters.  I'm studying art on this campus.  I want to transfer to Hofstra University in New York.  I want to see the world.  This semester I'm writing a research paper about Frida Kahlo. She inspires me with her spirit and determination.  Very Cool!  Are you ready for my blog?  Whenever I get real down and depressed, I try to write down what I feel.  It's not a very complicated or sophisticated process. I just type and type and type until the sadness goes away. When I began to think of an appropriate title for a blog, I came up with "Stop Your Sobbing.""  I think it just might work.

     My name is Arish.  Actually, my real name is Sira – that’s Arish spelled backwards.  I was born in Spain, but my destiny led to me to  Morroco.  That’s my story. I grew up as Sira in peace time and ended up Arish when World War II broke out. Sira is my softer, youthful self.  Arish is my harder edge.  I need them both.  In my blog, I hope to share a diversity of experience and emotion.  I can’t write one without the other.
In English 009, I’m basing my research paper on the film Girl, Interrupted.   The film is a true-to-life story about a young women who struggled with mental illness.  She was intelligent, compassionate, and pretty, but she had developed bipolar personality disorder. Her parents committed her to a mental hospital.  My goal is to be nurse some day.  I want to be there to help people in need.  There are a lot of people suffering out there.  We have to open our eyes. Be more understanding.

Remember: Black is Beautiful!
Con mucho carino,
Hissie, Arish, and Ana Lucia.

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