Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Black Geishas - About Them Page - Strong Females!

Dear Classmates,

This semester our group  have selected strong, independent women for the subjects of our research.  The following three women have overcome hardship and adversity in their home lives.  They are all strong women.  When things got tough, they didn't sit around and  feel sorry for themselves.  They didn't let anyone push them around.  They all believed  strong people stand up for themselves.  They picked themselves off the ground.   Their actions inspire strength in others.  Don't ever give up. Never, ever give up...
* Arish starts off with a profile of Suzanna Kaysen, the author of Girl, Interrupted.  Arish read the memoir and saw the movie during her time in English 009.  She respects Suzanna's courage to share important truth about mental illness. Suzanna wasn't a doctor or a psychologist.  She herself suffered from borderline personality disorder. Her writing opens up important discussion.
* Hissie watched the Jenni Rivera documentary Mariposa de Barrio on Netflix.  Hissie identified with Jenni's relentless pursuit of her dreams.  Jenni is a hero for the rest of us.  She's a girl from the streets.  This is Hissie's favorite quote from Jenni: "The number of times I have fallen is the number of times I have gotten up."
Ana Lucia writes about the legendary artist Frida Kahlo.  Ana Lucia enjoyed Salma Hayek portrayal of Frida in in the movie, but she may have learned more about the artist from studying Frida's self-portraits. In her high school years, Frida suffered long-lasting injury to her spine and foot in a freak trolley accient. For the rest of her life, Frida's movements would be severly restricted.  Often she would remain immobile in bed.   Frida's pain would only strengthen her will.  She learned to paint on alone on her back.  Her self-portraits reflect her true self. 

I hope you had as much fun as we did with our writing.
We can't wait to read yours.
Con mucho cariño,

              The Black Geishas

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