Sunday, October 13, 2019

Kyra - Her Heart is an Empty House

In our reading of The Tortilla Curtain, Kyra may not appear as often as the other main characters, but that doesn't mean she is not as important.  They have their dreams, but so does she.  

Kyra spends her days thinking about the same thing.  She has an obsession with work.  She's a perfectionist. If things don't go her way, she gets emotional. The appearance of Mexican day laborers affects the property values of the homes she sells. Suddenly things don't look ORDERLY or NEAT. Consequently, Kyra supports the closing of the Labor Exchange.  She cares more for her houses than she does for poor Mexican immigrants.

Although Kyra may not show much empathy for Mexican immigrants, she shows passion for her dogs.  When she sees a dog mistreated in a restaurant parking lot, she's ready to fight for it.  She seems to have a genuine love for children and animals.  When she sees a threat to either, she stands up for them. She is not as cold and distant as everyone thinks.
She doesn't seem effective at showing her love.  

In her efforts to be a professional success, she may have become cold and distant from her husband and child. Kyra probably finds energy and excitement from work she lacks in her home life. She uses work to cope with emotional discomfort of her marriage. Kyra may resemble the houses she sells. Visually impressive on the exterior. Cold and empty inside.

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