Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Quote Sandwich - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

In English 009, we are developing mental illness research papers. I'm exploring consequences of anorexia in young women.  I read about the tragic death of singer Karen Carpenter. Below, I share a quote from Marya Hornbacher's memoir Wasted.  Anorexia is a dangerous condition that is not as rare as people might think. 

When Mayra was only nine years old, she became obsessed with the way she looked.  Every time she looked into the mirror, she saw someone FAT.  Soon she began starving herself to lose weight.  Anorexia took over her life at age 15.  “You never come all the way out of the mirror,” Mayra wrote in her memoir Wasted. “You stand, for the rest of your life with one foot in t his world and one in the other, where everything is UPSIDE DOWN and SAD” (285).  Here, Marya warns us that Anorexia is not just a temporary PHASE many young girls go through. It should be regarded as a DISEASE.  Sometimes a fatal one.   The obsession to lose weight can consume you.  It will dominate your thinking and reason.  When you look in the mirror, you will never be satisfied.  The only thing you think about is losing more weight. 

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